Grassello Evoque Paste of extremely thin Grassello for prestigious and smooth finishes with a Venetian Stucco effect, that features a fast applicative cycle.
Grassello Lucido Paste of extremely thin Grassello for prestigious, smooth and classic finishes with a beautiful high gloss Venetian Stucco effect.
Grassello Lucido “Sale&Pepe” Paste of Grassello mixed with extremely thin and selected black ebony marble fillers (400 microns) for finishes with a smooth Stucco Veneziano effect.
Grassello Puntinato Decorative base of Grassello with green or red selected marble powders (500 microns) for finishes with a dotted Stucco Veneziano effect.
Intonachino Classico 700 Paste of Grassello with selected white marble sands with an average granulometry (700 microns), for finishes with a Venetian Intonachino effect.
Intonachino Fine 400 Paste of Grassello with selected white marble sands with a thin granulometry (400 microns), for finishes with a Venetian Intonachino effect.
Intonachino Grosso 1200 Paste of Grassello with selected white marble sands with a thick granulometry (1200 microns), for finishes with a Venetian Intonachino effect.
Marmorino Antico 300 Paste of Grassello mixed with selected white marble powders (300 microns), suitable for semigloss finishes with a Marmorino effect.
Marmorino Antico 300 Dorato Paste of Grassello mixed with selected golden marble powders (300 microns), suitable for semigloss finishes with a Marmorino effect.
Marmorino Classico 500 Paste of Grassello with selected white marble powders (500 microns) for prestigious satin finishes with a Venetian Marmorino effect.
Marmorino Matt 600 Paste of Grassello with selected powders and grains of white marble for prestigious matt-semisatin finishes with a Marmorino effect.
Marmorino Powder 700 Powder compound of selected white, pearl, gold or pink marble powder, for prestigious satin finishes with a Venetian Marmorino effect.
Murano Paste of extremely thin Grassello with silver, gold or bronze metallics, that gives prestigious pearlescent reflections in a Venetian Stucco effect.
Pittura Calce Quarzo White lime-based paint composed of very thin Grassello, titanium and special aggregates. It ensures high mechanical resistance to weathering.
Punto Calce White lime-based paint, matt and breathable, with excellent point of white and good covering effect, suitable for white or light-colored finishes.
Rasatura di Base Thin smoothing composed of lime for surface levelings that features small hollows and disconnections, great basecoat for “Grassello Lucido”, etc.
Travertino Powder Grosso Powder compound of selected white marble powders (1200 microns) and hydraulic binders, for prestigious finishes with a Travertino Stone effect.
Travertino Romano Powder Powder compound of selected white marble powders (700 microns) and hydraulic binders, for prestigious finishes with a Travertino Stone effect.
Velatura Minerale Semitransparent decorative lime-based finish, composed of Grassello, resins and special additives, ideal to obtain decorative veilings of lime.
Velo Calce Semicovering lime-based paint, matt and breathable, without titanium, with a low point of white, suitable for veiling finishes or dark colors.